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Umpqua Valley Hemp

It all starts with a dream…
We believe that when work comes from the heart, goodness will come of it. By working with the earth, we make life better for future generations and the ecology around us. Our mission is to deliver the highest quality hemp flower products that are grown consciously and sustainably. It is our dream to one day live in a world where regenerative organic farming is the standard, and plastics are replaced with sustainable alternatives like hemp.
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Why we’re different.
Folks are more discerning these days. They don’t just want quality products, they need to know their products are backed by environmental ethics and good morals, which can be hard to find. At Umpqua Valley Hemp, we are proud to:
  • Use only organic and sustainable fertilizer inputs.
  • Interplant with beneficial herbs and have a predatory insect program.
  • Choose product packaging that is recyclable, avoiding plastic whenever possible.
  • Reuse and divert waste. It is our goal to work towards being carbon neutral.
  • Pay our local employees with live-able earnings. Take care of the team, they take care of you.
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