Karnage Box 4
Back like we never left! It’s a New Year and we have Tons planned with Karnage but before we get too far ahead of ourselves lets talk about This months box…..K B 4 Baby!
The best Creation to date HANDS DOWN!
Indulge in Karnages selection of not 1….not 2…..but 4 SUPER STRAINS and One EXTRA Special Exotic Flower! We Listened to feedback from the first 3 boxes and wanted to bring you all what you actually wanted and not the extra bogus to fill a box. The Cheapest box to date also means you can shop knowing that you got the best deal on the website for flower! We sincerely hope you enjoy this iteration of the Karnage Box Series…..Karnage Box 4.
Box Includes:
7g) SUPER – Red Slushie
7g) SUPER – Gelato
7g) SUPER – Z Cube
7g) SUPER – Carbon Fiber
14g) EXOTIC – Zmoothies
Custom Karnage box and stickers
LIMITED TO 60 BOXES | Box Value : $275+ | Retail : $175